Membership Criteria
For interest in becoming a member of Epsilon Gamma Iota, Inc. where an active chapter exist, please contact a member of that chapter or the chapter directly at the email address provided on the “Current Chapter” page. You may also contact our Director of New Membership if necessary . If there is no active chapter, please refer to the “Chapter Expansion” page.
Please find the New Membership application and criteria below. All new members must meet the minimum requirements as well as their college or university requirements to participate in a Membership Intake Process. This criteria and application is required by the National Advisory Board, Chapter’s may have additional requirements but will not negate national requirements.
- Must have a declared major of Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science or Technology
- Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and 30 credit hours
- Submit Membership Application packet (see application packet below)
- At least one membership referral letter
- Pay application fee